What does Vagina Smell Like?
There used to be a stigma around understanding your body and we hope this is slowly going away. If want to know what your vagina smells like, take a finger and test it out. We might think that our private parts are taboo subjects, but your body is your body. You can do whatever you like with it. The more comfortable you are with your entire body, the more confident you will be in life.
Natural scent
Yes, your vagina has a smell. We’ve somehow gone down this path where we try to make our bodies as un-human as possible, including trying to cover up or erase any natural smells.
You should never feel bad about how your body smells, as long as you are healthy. If a partner comments on your vagina, then they are in the wrong, not you. To put yourself out there and be vulnerable, only to be criticized, is never okay.
Overall, your vagina should have a mild scent that may be a little musky. It should be subtle and not too overwhelming.
If you are worried about how your vagina smells, the first step is to figure out if you have an infection or a medical reason for the smell. If not, you can look at simple steps you can take to change the overall smell of your body, including what soap you use and adding more vegetables and water to your diet.
Unpleasant odors
If you suddenly smell an unpleasant odor from your vagina, then it’s probably a sign that something isn’t right. Your body has many ways of showing you aren’t healthy, and odor is one of them. These are some common reasons why you might suddenly have a smelly vagina.
Yeast infections
While quite common with women, it still sucks to have a yeast infection. Less serious infections can clear up on their own, but if you experience itching or burning around your vagina, then you should see a doctor who may prescribe medicine for it.
Yellow or white discharge from your vagina is a common sign of a yeast infection. If there is a lot of discharge that isn’t cleaned regularly, then it can contribute to an unpleasant smell.
Bacterial infections
Most women will suffer from a urinary tract infection, or UTI, at least once in their lifetime. There’s a lot happening around your vagina and even with proper maintenance, infections can form.
To help prevent a UTI, always wipe from front to back. It’s also recommended to go to the bathroom after sex. This way you can help flush any extra bodily fluids out around the area.
Things to Make Your Vagina Taste Good
We hope that you are feeling comfortable with your body and how it smells. However, we know that everyone wants to change some things about themselves and this may be how your vagina smells and tastes.
There are many small steps you can take to make your pussy taste good. They should not be overwhelming and you can pick and choose what works in your own life. They shouldn’t cost too much money and instead will be tasks you can work into your normal schedule and routine.
Proper underwear(https://9020.link/Nzm)
When it comes to what to wear in the bedroom, satin and lace are super sexy. It’s great to wear such materials to spice things up. But what should you wear the rest of the day?
Cotton underwear may seem boring but it’s actually a great starting point to make your vagina smell and taste good. Cotton is a breathable material which means there is proper airflow for your vagina.
Other synthetic materials, such as spandex and nylon, are woven too closely and thus air can’t properly circulate. This can lead to an increase in the amount of bacteria in your vagina, which can cause an odor to develop.
While higher numbers of bacteria aren’t terrible, too much and it can lead to an infection. Not only are UTIs painful and serious, but they can lead to an unpleasant odor and taste.
It’s better to stick to cotton underwear, which can still be found in a variety of fun prints and cuts, and then change into your sexier fare as you hit the bedroom.
Pubes trimming
Pubic hair actually has a purpose, despite what every influencer or porn star says. Deciding what to do with your pubic hair should be a personal choice and not one that someone else, especially your partner, dictates.
Having said that, keeping your nether regions trimmed can be beneficial. Pubic hair can protect your vulva from friction and can also protect from the growth of bacteria. Yes, there is a perception that pubic hair is unhealthy, but not having it can actually lead to more infections.
For those that want to keep their pubic hair but feel a bit sexier, you can also simply trim it. Using clean, sharp scissors to trim your hair will allow you to feel more confident about the area.
You can also try some methods of hair removal, such as depilation, to clean up and shape the area. Again, this all comes down to personal choice.
If you do decide to wax your bikini area, always make sure the process is clean and sterilized. Also, watch for ingrown hairs or rashes that can cause discomfort.